Two Dimensional Sensor Localization Using mN/2 Algorithm in Different Types of Distributed Fields

Serap Karagol, Dogan Yildiz


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) refers to a group of locationally dispensed and dedicated sensors that observe and record physical and environmental conditions and coordinate the aggregated data at a centrical location. To serve new applications, localization is largely used in WSNs to define the current location of the sensor nodes. In this paper, first, the proposed mN/2 algorithms performance compared with GPS, 3N, 3/2N and 3/2N(2) algorithms. The mN/2 algorithm is especially effective in very sparse networks where other algorithms usually fail. Even when the algorithm cannot locate a given node, it produces a polygonal estimate of the region in which the node is located. Monte Carlo simulations show that this algorithm performs better than other algorithms. Secondly, Uniform, Beta, Weibull, Gamma and Generalized Pareto distributed networks were used for localization using the mN/2 algorithm. The localization performance of the networks are evaluated and compared using MATLAB simulations.

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