The HSBQ Algorithm with Triple-play Services for Broadband Hybrid Satellite Constellation Communication System

Anupon Boriboon, Siriwhaddhanah Pongpadpinit


The HSBQ algorithm is the one of active queue management algorithms, which orders to avoid high packet loss rates and control stable stream queue. That is the problem of calculation of the drop probability for both queue length stability and bandwidth fairness. This paper proposes the HSBQ, which drop the packets before the queues overflow at the gateways, so that the end nodes can respond to the congestion before queue overflow. This algorithm uses the change of the average queue length to adjust the amount by which the mark (or drop) probability is changed. Moreover it adjusts the queue weight, which is used to estimate the average queue length, based on the rate. The results show that HSBQ algorithm could maintain control stable stream queue better than group of congestion metric without flow information algorithm as the rate of hybrid satellite network changing dramatically, as well as the presented empiric evidences demonstrate that the use of HSBQ algorithm offers a better quality of service than the traditionally queue control mechanisms used in hybrid satellite network.

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